Writing accessible content

What is accessibility?

Accessibility is the practice of making information meaningful and usable for as many people as possible, regardless of age, status or expertise.

Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility, which means we all play a part in how compliant we are.

What is our legal obligation?

As a government department we have a legal obligation to be compliant with the Public Sector Accessibility Regulations 2018.

How to make your content accessible

Creating and saving accessible document types

As a government department we need to make sure our documents are as accessible and easy to use as possible, which is why we should not use PDFs.

PDFs are designed to be printed and not for reading on screens.

Save your documents in open document format.

How to name your documents

We need to make sure we are naming our documents in a clear and consistent way across our website.

If you are creating a document for an agreement page you should use the following naming convention: RM number, Document name, version number.

For example: RM6178 Buyer guide v2

If you are creating a document that is not for an agreement page, you should follow the same naming convention but remove the RM number.

For example: Crown Commercial Service data report v3

Note: not every document will need a version number.

Open document format

For your documents to be technically accessible you will need to save them in an open format (.odt, .ods, .odp) instead of PDF.

Saving documents in open format means readers can open documents in any similar software. They are also easier to use across different devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Saving Microsoft documents in open format

To save a Microsoft document in open format you will need to:

  1. create or open an existing document.
  2. click ‘save as’.
  3. go to the ‘file format’ dropdown menu at the bottom of the save box.
  4. select the open format option (usually at the bottom of the list).

This will save your document in ODT, ODP or ODS depending on the document type.

Sometimes, converting word documents to open format can cause formatting errors. If this happens, follow these instructions to create a compliant accessible document.

Converting Google documents to open format

save a Google document in open format you will need to:

  1. create or open an existing document.
  2. click ‘file’.
  3. scroll down the options to ‘download’.
  4. select the open format option.

Zip folders

We can upload zip folders to agreement webpages but they must be accompanied by the full list of individual documents. This way customers have the choice to download all, or only 1 or 2 documents.

Only ‘sets’ or ‘collections’ of documents can be uploaded in a zip folder. For example:

  • call-off documents
  • framework or joint schedules
  • appendices
  • templates

If any updates are made to the documents in the lifetime of the agreement, the document owner and web editor is responsible for updating both the document in the zip folder and the same document in the individual list.

Naming conventions for zip folders

The naming convention for zip folders is as follows:

  • RMXXXX Download all (insert type of templates or group of documents that the zip folder contains)

Below is a list of three examples:

  • RM6754 Download all call off schedules
  • RM6754 Download all framework schedules
  • RM6754 Download all joint schedules

Use page breaks in documents

Do not use excessive spacing (hitting the enter key multiple times) to separate content. Instead, use page breaks.

To use page breaks you should:

  1. Click the point in your document where you want to put a page break.
  2. Select ‘insert’ from the top left corner of the navigation bar.
  3. Click ‘page break’ from the options provided.


Write and format your text in an accessible way

Write and format your text in an accessible way

Creating an accessible document is more than just saving your content in open document format. You also need to make sure the written aspects of your document are accessible too.

You must ensure your content is compliant with all sections of our style guide for it to meet accessibility regulations.


Everything you need to know about language and spelling. Includes how to use plain language, abbreviations, capitalisation and words to avoid.

Find out about using language in your content.


Everything you need to know about how to format your content. Includes links, bullet pointed lists, heading styles and punctuation.

Find out how to format your content.


Everything you need to know about formatting and writing numbers in your content. Includes dates and time, percentages and how to write about ages.

Find out how to use numbers in your content.


When you have finished writing your piece of content, use our checklist to check you have followed the style guide and are ready to publish.

View our checklist.

Colour contrast

We add colour to our documents, presentations and webpages to make them more engaging, but we need to make sure we are doing this in an accessible way.

Never use colour to convey meaning

If you took all the colour away from your webpage, email or document, the meaning and purpose of your content should still be clear.

For example, imagine you have 2 columns in a spreadsheet. One is highlighted ‘green’ for confirmed proposals and the other is highlighted ‘red’ for rejected. This use of colour may not be obvious to everyone, making the purpose of the spreadsheet confusing and inaccessible. 

You should also add the word ‘confirmed’ to any green coloured cell in the spreadsheet and ‘rejected’ in any cell highlighted red. Using the wording as well as the colour removes any confusion or ambiguity.

Use the correct colour contrast

Having the correct colour contrast is also important. You must make sure there is a minimum colour contrast ratio of 4.5:1 between the colour of your text and its background.

For example, using white text on a pale purple background is not accessible because the colour contrast ratio is too low.

White text on a black background is accessible because it has a good colour contrast ratio.

If the colour contrast is too low, text or images can be difficult to see. You can use WebAims free colour contrast tool to check your colour contrast.

Images and alt text

Images and graphics can help to make content easier for readers to use. But, they are not accessible by default. To make an image accessible you will need to include alt text.

Alt text or alternative text describes the appearance or function of an image on a webpage or document. Alt text is read aloud by assistive technologies for those with visual impairments or low vision who may not be able to see the image.

When writing your alt text, think about:

  • what does the reader really need to know?
  • what is the purpose of the image?
  • how is it adding to your message?

Do this to add alt text to document images:

  1. Right-click on the object.
  2. Choose Format Picture.
  3. In the Format Picture panel, choose the Layout and Properties icon.
  4. Choose Alt Text.
  5. Write your alt text in the alt text field.

Reminder: not all image types need alt text, Read the sections below for more information.

Decorative images

If an image is decorative, it does not enhance or provide additional information or meaning to your message. It is there to be visually engaging.

You do not need to add alt text to decorative images and you do not need to describe it in your body text.

Non-decorative images

Non-decorative images enhance or provide additional information or meaning to your message.

You must describe non-decorative images in words for people who cannot see them. 

For example, if you were to include an image of a pie chart in your document, you must also include a short sentence underneath the image which describes the data findings. This way all readers have access to the same information.

If this image is within a written document, leave the alt text field blank and instead include the description in the body text of your document. Only highlight the important information. 

If your image is part of a webpage you should include clear and concise alt text. You should also aim to include the relevance of the image in the body text of the page.

Your in text description of the image should make sense with the rest of your content and should not include the words ‘this image shows’.

Accessible image formats

It is best to use Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format so that users can magnify the content.

SVGs are ‘scalable’ which means that they keep the same quality when shrunk or magnified. This means users will be able to change the size of the images without it becoming blurry or distorted.

Your image tool must have a ‘save as SVG’ or ‘export SVG’ option to create an SVG. Simply changing the file type will not make your image scalable. For more information on what tools you can use to create SVG images, read the image guidance on gov.uk.

Social media and alt text

Use the alt text field for your images. If the image is non-decorative or includes text you should also include the image description in the caption of your post. This is particularly important if any images you use contain words that your audience needs to be able to read.

Image key takeaways

To make sure your images are accessible you should:

  • describe non-decorative images in the body text only
  • keep image descriptions short and simple, use only the information the user needs to know
  • do not include things like ‘picture of’ or ‘image of’ in your text descriptions
  • leave the ‘alt text’ field blank for both decorative and non-decorative images
  • remember that the image description should still make sense with the rest of the content you have written
  • avoid images that include text


Tables are best used for numerical data only and you should avoid using them for text. Usually you can take text out of tables using a series of headings and paragraphs to restructure your content.

There may be times when using a table for text is needed or is the clearest option. There is no fool proof way to make tables in written documents (like Google Docs) accessible, but there are things you can do to help.

If you must use a table for text, make it short and clear. You should stick to a simple structure:

  • include a header row or column (which explains the content of the columns or rows)
  • include more rows than columns: a narrow table is easier to read than a short, wide one
  • avoid merged, split or (where possible) blank cells
  • avoid nested tables
  • left align text
  • right align data

For more information, read gov.uk table guidance.

Charts, graphs, diagrams and process maps


Keep your graphs and charts as simple as possible. Where you need to include an image of a graph or bar chart, make sure you use SVG (scalable vector graphic) format.

SVGs are ‘scalable’ which means that they keep the same quality when shrunk or magnified. This means users will be able to magnify images without the image becoming blurry or distorted.

You must include a text-based explanation of what the chart is showing. For example, you could describe the key trends or include the most important information in body text. 

Avoid describing the structure of the graph or chart

Avoid saying things like: “The image is a graph showing staff pay in ‘£’ on the vertical axis and staff roles on the horizontal axis”. 

Avoid being too vague or too broad

Instead of saying the graph shows some data relating to staff pay over the last 5 years, explain what’s happening within the data. Explain what key trends are being shown.

You also need to make sure that your graphs and charts are not using colour as the only way to convey a message.


Bar charts and pie charts can be a useful way to visually show data and trends within a document. They can also help to break up long paragraphs of text in a report. But they are not always accessible.

To make your charts accessible you:

  • need to ensure that every section of a pie chart or every axis of a bar chart is clearly labelled with text
  • should use colours of different brightness for each section of a pie or bar chart
  • must ensure the key is clearly labelled and does not rely on colour alone (use text as well as colour)

Understanding if you have used colour to convey meaning

Look at your chart. If you remove all the colour and look at the same chart in black and white, is the meaning lost or difficult to understand?

If the answer is yes, then you have used colour to convey meaning and your chart is not accessible.

For more information, take a look at the guidance for creating accessible graphs and charts.


Before using a diagram you need to think about whether you can clearly convey the information the diagram shows in text. If you can, you probably don’t need the diagram at all. But, if you feel a diagram will help to make the subject matter clearer, you can include the image.

You will also need to include an in text description of the diagram to ensure the image is accessible.

Keep diagrams simple

They need to be easy to understand. When you’re drawing the diagram, keep the structure clear and simple. Try to:

  • follow normal reading direction (left to right)
  • keep space between connector lines so that they don’t overlap or become confusing
  • use simple shapes, and as few as possible
  • make the starting point on your process maps and flowcharts clear

Process maps and decision trees

A process map is an image that visually describes the flow of work in a process. 

Process maps can be hard to make accessible if they’re complex. They may also be hard to follow or understand if the image (or process) can not be seen all at once when magnified. Also, most screen readers will not interact with a process map image at all, so there will always need to be a text alternative.

Before creating a process map, explain the process or topic in text first. Often you can replace a process map image with a series of headings, subheadings and paragraphs or headings and bullet points.

View an example of how you can use headings to create a text alternative to a process map or decision tree.

Videos and animation

Videos and animations usually rely on people being able to see and hear. To ensure they are accessible to everyone you should:

  • include quality subtitles in a easy to read font (Arial) that make sense and matches the video content
  • avoid confusing line breaks when editing subtitles
  • check the colour contrast between your video background and subtitles
  • check transition time to ensure your subtitles are easy to read (on average most people can read between 200 to 250 words per minute)
  • include easy to hear voice overs (there should be a minimum of 20 decibels (db) between your voice over and any background audio)
  • make clear transcripts available that include everything that the speaker(s) is saying and describes (in text) important visual or audio content

Find out more about creating accessible video captions.


You should make sure that your readers can access a transcript that includes:

  • everything that the speaker(s) is saying
  • describes (in text) important visual content

Flashing images and GIFs

Flashing images and GIFs can be distracting and can trigger epileptic seizures. Make sure that nothing flashes more than 3 times per second. Add a trigger warning before the content and, if possible, a way for a user to pause the movement.

Spreadsheets and Excel

The guidance below will help you to make sure your Google and Excel spreadsheets are structured in an accessible way.

Use meaningful document titles, headings and subheadings

The title of your Sheets document should let readers know what and who the document is for. The title and the document file name should be the same.

Every worksheet in your Sheets document should have a unique title. You should include this title in cell A1 of your worksheet. The title you include in cell A1 should be the same as or similar to the tab name for that worksheet.

Naming your worksheet tabs

To rename your tabs you should:

  1. select the worksheet you want to rename by right clicking the tab
  2. select the ‘rename’ option from the popup menu
  3. type the new worksheet name into the text box
  4. press your ‘enter’ key on your keyboard or select somewhere else on the page

Include summary text in A2

Think of cell A2 as an introduction to your worksheet. After the title cell, this is the cell that all readers will read next so it should let readers know what the worksheet contains.

For example you should let readers know:

  • how many tables are in this spreadsheet and the cell they start and finish in
  • if the worksheet contains any images, graphs, acronyms or empty cells  

If the summary text is quite long, you can split it out into cells A3 and A4 too.

Delete unused worksheets

Empty worksheets should be deleted. You can do this by:

  1. selecting the worksheet you want to delete
  2. right click the worksheet tab
  3. select the ‘delete’ option from the popup menu

Format cells so all text is visible

Use text wrapping to make sure all your text and data fits comfortably inside the cells so it can be easily seen and read.

To use text wrapping you should:

  1. select your entire spreadsheet or the cells you need to wrap
  2. select ‘format’ in the document toolbar
  3. select the ‘wrapping’ option from the drop down menu
  4. select ‘wrap’

Avoid filters and floating text boxes

Users who rely on a screen magnifier will find floating text boxes difficult to read. Some assistive technologies will not be able to read them at all. It is better to include the text within the cell rather than in a text box or comment.

Filters can also be difficult to make accessible. It is best practice to avoid them as much as possible.

Include 1 table per spreadsheet

You should have only one table per worksheet as much as possible. This will help to keep your worksheets simple and easy to follow.  

If you need to include more than 1 table, they should all start in column A and sit directly underneath each other.

Remove borders from cells

You should include borders around the outside of your tables only and not around each individual cell in your worksheet. This is because dark borders can mimic underlined text which can be difficult for some readers to read. It is best to remove dark borders and use the worksheets’ original, faint lines instead.

Remove borders from each cell by using the border tool option in the toolbar. You should:

  1. highlight your table cells
  2. select the border tool: this will open up a drop down menu
  3. select the ‘outside borders’ option from the drop down menu 

This should remove the borders around individual cells and instead add a single border around the table as a whole.

Right align data

Gov.uk guidance states that all data in tables should be right aligned. You can right align the data in your spreadsheets by: 

  1. selecting the data you need to right align 
  2. using the toolbar to find the right align text option (this looks like a series of short lines that all start from the same right point) 
  3. clicking this option will right align your selected data

Left align text

Do not justify your text. All text in your document should be left aligned, including your headings. You can left align the text in your spreadsheets by: 

  1. selecting the text you need to left align 
  2. using the toolbar to find the left align text option (this looks like a series of short lines that all start from the same left point) 
  3. clicking this option will left align your selected text

Keep font, text size and colour consistent

Use font, text size and font colour consistently throughout your document. Using different sizes and fonts can be distracting and will make your document look cluttered and unprofessional.

Always use a simple font that is easy to read. Your body text should be at least 12pt in size and you should always use black text on a white background.

Use short sentences

Short sentences are easier to read. You should aim for your sentences to be between 15 and 20 words long, where possible.

This does not mean all your sentences should be the same length. Your writing still needs to have rhythm and flow. So, you can vary them.

You can write a slightly longer sentence here and there, provided the sentence makes sense, reads better and clarifies the meaning.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for one point or idea per sentence. Of course, some concepts are trickier to explain than others. But, most sentences can be edited to make them shorter in some way or another.

Avoid ampersands and abbreviations

Do not use abbreviations or ampersands in your content, instead spell them out fully.

Some abbreviations are not well known by all readers and some assistive technologies will not recognise them, which can be confusing. For example, some screen readers will pronounce ‘e.g’ as ‘egg’.

Use: ‘and’ instead of ‘&’ and ‘for example’ instead of ‘e.g’

Spell out acronyms

Always spell out acronyms the first time you use them (include the acronym in brackets after). You will then be able to use only the acronym every time after this.

For example, use: Crown Commercial Service (CCS) first and then CCS from there on.

Avoid dashes (-)

Dashes should not be used between dates, times, numbers or text. Instead use the word ‘to’.

For example: 

  • Monday 15 September 2022 to Friday 19 September 2022
  • 50% to 95%

Use % symbol for percentages 

The percentage sign is commonly used and widely recognised enough for us to continue using this symbol. Most assistive technologies are also designed to recognise and read this symbol.

Avoid block capitals, bold, underlining and italics

Do not use bold, italicised or capitalised text to ‘break up’ your content. Instead you should use proper document structure such as headings and paragraphs to help people easily navigate your page.

Many readers with low visibility or dyslexia read by recognising the shape of the word instead of reading each individual letter.  These readers will struggle to read block capitals, bold, italics or underlined text because it changes the usual shape of the letters.

You can use bold to emphasise a certain word or couple of words. But, you should never use bold for more than four words in a row or more than twice in a paragraph.

Avoid highlighting text

You may need to highlight sections of your document to make it clear to readers that they need to make edits to the content themselves, such as adding their name or contact details.

While you can continue to use highlights, you should also use square brackets to indicate these sections as well. This is because some screen readers will not pick up on highlighted text and some forms of colour blindness will make highlights difficult to see.

You should also include a note at the beginning of the document (in the summary cells) to let readers know that they will need to make changes to the text and how these sections will be marked.

Mark where you want readers to begin 

If you want your reader to open the document and begin in cell A1 of the first worksheet, make sure your cursor is in this cell before saving.

Accessibility resources

Write in an accessible way

Colour contrast




Graphs and charts

Videos and captions


Government blogs and accessibility community

Interesting blog posts about accessibility

WCAG resources

Explore more of our style guide

Our style guide is designed to help you communicate in a clear and consistent way. Find out more about how to write and design for Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

  • Brand guidelines

    We created these brand guidelines to explain how we use our brand to consistently communicate with our customers visually and verbally. Includes our tone of voice, our brand colours how to use our brand mark (logo).


    Find out more about our brand guidelines.

  • Designing for CCS

    Learn about the design components we use on our website and how you can use them to create webpages. Includes page components such as buttons and hero banner design.

    Find out how to design webpages for CCS.

  • Formatting

    Everything you need to know about how to format your content. Includes links, bullet pointed lists, heading styles and punctuation.


    Find out how to format your content.

  • Language

    Everything you need to know about language and spelling. Includes how to use plain language, abbreviations, capitalisation and words to avoid.

    Find out about using language in your content.

  • Numbers

    Everything you need to know about formatting and writing numbers in your content. Includes dates and time, percentages and how to write about ages.


    Find out how to use numbers in your content.

  • Checklist

    When you have finished writing your piece of content, use our checklist to check you have followed the style guide and are ready to publish.

    View our checklist.

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