Become a supplier on a Crown Commercial Service framework agreement

What is a framework?

Framework agreements help the public sector to buy goods and services from businesses. 

Frameworks include a description of common public sector requirements, a list of suppliers who have been evaluated as capable of providing the requirements, and standardised contract terms. Frameworks are often divided into lots, typically by product or service type. 

Suppliers will need to bid for a place on the framework before it goes live. We assess all the bids received from suppliers and award places to successful suppliers before the framework go live date.

Once suppliers have been awarded a place on an agreement, they can tender for work from public sector bodies that direct award and / or run a further competition under the framework. Such public sector bodies will be listed in the Contract Award Notice.

Who can supply

All suppliers are welcome to bid for a place on one of our frameworks.

Each framework is different, but as a general rule, suppliers must demonstrate how they can provide the goods and services required to an agreed standard.

Suppliers will also need to meet the terms of our buyer assurance process, as well as explain how they can generate social value, or meet carbon net zero targets.

What you can supply

CCS agreements are designed to provide a wide range of products and services including:

  • communications services
  • construction
  • eCommerce
  • energy
  • fleet
  • technology
  • office solutions
  • print
  • professional services (including temporary labour)
  • property and facilities management
  • research and travel

For more information about what you could supply, take a look at our live agreements.

How to supply

1. know how tendering works

When a new agreement need is identified, or when an expiring agreement needs to be renewed, CCS must follow a formal process to ensure procurement regulations are met.

We will publicly list tender opportunities for suppliers on Find a Tender service and Contracts Finder. You can also see what opportunities are coming up on our upcoming agreement page.

To become an appointed supplier on a CCS framework you must respond to a contract notice in the Find a Tender service. Expressing an interest in the tender does not mean you have been successful. 

To be awarded a position as a supplier on one of our frameworks you will need to be successful in the Find a Tender service process.

There are no joining fees, suppliers simply pay a small commission (or levy) based purely on the value of the sales they make through the framework. The commission varies by agreement but currently averages just 0.33%.

Once a framework is awarded, additional suppliers cannot be added. You will need to wait until the next relevant tender opportunity arises. New procurements typically start several months before the current arrangement’s expiry date.

If there are no relevant tender opportunities currently available for your area of business, you may be able to subcontract your services to suppliers on existing agreements. If this is something you would be interested in, contact the relevant supplier directly.

2. Find a tender opportunity

You can find opportunities to tender for government and public sector business by registering with Contracts Finder and Find a Tender service for alerts relevant to your business area.

Both sites will give you information about both our tender opportunities and wider government and public sector opportunities.

You can also monitor our procurement pipeline which is regularly updated with our current and forthcoming tender opportunities.

Registering with Contracts Finder or Find a Tender service does not make you a CCS supplier.

Contracts Finder
Use Contracts Finder to find public sector contracts worth over £12,000 (or £30,000 outside central government) including VAT in England and with non-devolved bodies.

Find a Tender
You can use Find a Tender to search for high-value opportunities. These are agreements with an estimated total lifetime value of over £138,760.

3. Respond to tender opportunity

CCS procurements are conducted using our eSourcing portal. You will need to be registered on the eSourcing portal to participate in CCS tender opportunities. To register you will need to provide information including:

  • full legal name of your organisation
  • your DUNS number: a unique nine-digit number provided to organisations free of charge
  • profile information describing your organisation and the size of your business

Registering for access to the eSourcing tool does not make you a CCS supplier. To get a place on an agreement you must respond to a tender opportunity and successfully be awarded a place on the agreement.

Public Sector Contracts

We have a standard template for framework contracts for common goods and services. You can see our standard core terms and conditions, along with schedule templates.

Note: different agreements change the terms depending on the category subject and you should be mindful of checking that and raising questions during clarification.

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