08/02/2023 We have extended this agreement until 22 May 2023.
Expired agreement - This information is for reference only
Data and Application Solutions
Software-led office systems covering services for the public sector, including software licences, associated hardware, app-related consultancy services, software support and maintenance.
- RM3821 Framework schedules v2
- RM3821 Core terms v3.0.3
- RM3821 Framework award form V1
- RM3821 Framework schedule 1: specification V1
- RM3821 Framework schedule 2: framework tender v2
- RM3821 Framework schedule 3: framework prices v1
- RM3821 Framework schedule 4: framework management v2
- RM3821 Framework schedule 5: management charges and information v1
- RM3821 Framework schedule 6: order form template and call-off schedules v2
- RM3821 Framework schedule 7: call off award procedure v3
- RM3821 Framework schedule 8: self audit certificate v1
- RM3821 Framework schedule 9: cyber essentials scheme v1
- RM3821 Joint schedules
- RM3821 Call-off schedules
- RM3821 Customer guidance
- RM3821 Subcontractors file including Data and Applications (DAS) suppliers.v35
- RM3821 List of lot suppliers September 2021
- RM3821 Customer guidance for catalogue award