You must run a mini competition to select a supplier. There is no option for direct award.
Before you run your mini competition, find out which suppliers could meet your requirements using the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Marketplace. This DPS is organised into four distinct categories: services, location, clearance and scalability.
The steps below outline how to search for suppliers, create a shortlist and carry out a mini competition.
- Register as a buyer on the Dynamic Purchasing System Marketplace. Note: although pages are headed ‘Supplier registration’ this is also where you can register as a buyer.
- Navigate to the Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 DPS under Technology and choose the ‘Access as a buyer’ option and confirm your acceptance of the customer access agreement.
- On your ‘Manage your DPS Category Exports’ page you now have 2 options:
- View appointed suppliers
- Click on the link to create a new category export.
- This is how you filter the suppliers that can meet your requirementsWhen creating a new category use the filtering tool (select all that apply) to specify your requirements and create your supplier shortlist.
- Save your filtered list of capable suppliers by clicking the ‘Save Category’ option and give the shortlist a unique name specific to your competition. From your ‘Manage your Category Exports’ page you can then export the list of suppliers and contact details (export is to an Excel spreadsheet)
- Quit the DPS.
- Use the list to run a Further Competition. Invite the suppliers identified by the DPS to bid against your detailed specification, evaluation criteria and contract format.
- The list is valid for only 2 working days, from the date of its creation, because new suppliers may apply to join at any point. If your Call for Competition excludes eligible suppliers it potentially breaches procurement regulations. You will need to get a fresh supplier list (steps 3.2 to 5) if you don’t use your list within 2 working days by clicking the ‘Search Again’ option for your export.
- You can use the CCS eSourcing tool to run a Call for Competition. The tool is free to use for public sector buyers, or you can use your organisation’s own procurement tool.
- Your tender process should be proportionate to the value and complexity of your requirement. Suppliers will need a reasonable period of time to review and prepare a response. This includes allowing sufficient time for suppliers to ask clarification questions and consider your answers before the deadline for written responses.
- Evaluate the responses.
- Request from winning supplier(s) any required evidence that they can meet your requirements. Set a 2-day deadline for submitting evidence.
- If you’re satisfied with the evidence, award the contract
- Where appropriate, notify of the award on Contracts Finder.