A UK wide agreement which will replace lots 1, 2, 3 and 7 within Multifunctional Devices, Managed Print and Content Services and Records and Information Management (RM3781)
This 4 lot agreement provides equipment and services supporting the physical printing of documents right through to workflow and cloud solutions. It includes:
- Multifunctional Devices (MFDs)
- print management software to monitor your printing and reduce waste
- managed print services
- workflow integration which can sort through and combine your documents (such as records management or hybrid mail) to help reduce waste
- print consultancy services which can support you with:
- drafting specifications and tender documents
- evaluation of tenders
- independent audits of your print volumes or current fleet devices (where needed)
You will also be able to use interim technical resources to support your own internal resources when needed.
This agreement is for buyers who need support with:
- replacing or rationalising their current MFD needs
- managing their existing number of MFDs through walk in take-over: this is where the supplier will walk in and take over management of the customer’s current MFDs
- finding solutions to reduce their print volumes
- designing and implementing digital technology solutions to support transformation of their current business processes
- developing digital workflow solutions to provide a more strategic view when managing and operating their internal business processes
- cloud based hosting through public, private or community cloud using:
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IaaS provides cloud ‘hardware’ which allows you to build a platform which you can use to run your application.
PaaS is a pre built cloud infrastructure that is designed to run a specific or range of applications, such as a finance application or software development environment.
Specification, pricing and lease agreements
To access specifications, pricing models or operating or finance lease information for this agreement, you will need to contact the CCS customer service centre.
Note: the specifications and pricing model information is official-sensitive and will include a disclaimer for conditions of use.