Debt Resolution Services

Public sector customers can access debt recovery and associated services including data, fraud and error, litigation and spend analysis recovery.


We designed this agreement to provide ethical and fair outcomes for citizens in vulnerable situations by bringing together a range of debt recovery solutions and data services into a single commercial agreement.

The Debt Resolution Services (DRS) framework is aligned with the cross-government debt management strategy. This strategy aims to provide a more consistent and unified approach to making sure that taxpayers money is spent in the most efficient and effective way.


All UK public sector organisations can use this agreement including:

  • central government and their arm’s length bodies and agencies
  • the wider public sector and third sector
  • local government
  • health and education
  • emergency services including police, fire and rescue
  • house associations and charities


This agreement has 20 lots. Each lot will provide a different type of service, such as: 

  • managed debt collection agencies
  • a range of data and analytics solutions
  • enforcement agents, or bailiffs: where you will engage with the enforcement agents directly
  • ​​managed enforcement agents: where a single managed service provider manages a panel of enforcement agents on your behalf
  • litigation: the process of taking legal action
  • auctioneers
  • process servers: these are individuals or organisations that physically deliver legal documents on your behalf 
  • a range of spend analysis and recovery services


We work with the best suppliers for each service and we make sure that they meet our high-quality threshold. This will give you the confidence that this agreement will provide you with:

  • value for money
  • services that achieve fair outcomes through a diverse and sustainable supply chain


This agreement will replace debt management services (RM6208). It will run for 4 years and will expire in December 2025. 

You will have the option to extend individual call-offs for a total of 3 years beyond the agreement end date. No call-off can be extended for more than 3 years after the agreement has ended.


  • debt recovery solutions which are aligned with cross government debt management strategy
  • ensures value for money
  • high quality services with support from CCS subject matter experts
  • access a range of high quality and highly capable suppliers who are committed to providing excellence
  • access the best in-class suppliers who we selected using in depth market insights, based on fair and open competition
  • broad range of data solutions
  • strong collections and recoveries performance: this means that the agreement will maximise the amount of debt recovered for you it
  • endorsed by major debt charities and committed to providing social value and achieving fair outcomes

our principles align with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and achieving fair outcomes

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 50 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Managed Collection Services
Provides access to two Managed Service Providers (MSP). Each MSP will manage a panel of Debt Collection Agencies (DCAs) who are FCA authorised and regulated. The DCAs offer desk based collection services, contacting your customers directly to arrange repayment of outstanding debts The MSPs will use data to create debt recovery strategies based on customers' individual circumstances. They will then place the debt with the most appropriate DCA and will monitor their performance and adjust placements accordingly to maximise recovery rates. The DCAs will work directly with your customers and ensure debt is collected sustainably and fairly. Including identification and ethical treatment of vulnerable consumers


2 suppliers

Lot 2: Data Solutions
Provides a range of data, report, search, and alert services to maximise debt collection and help to prevent fraud and error. You can also use these services for risk analysis and intelligence purposes. This will help you to get an informed view of a citizen's profile and will allow you to:
  • identify vulnerable customers
  • make informed decisions about how you can collect debt fairly and effectively


5 suppliers

Lot 3: Affordability, Assessment and Monitoring Applications
Access automated data analytic tools to assess and validate personal financial circumstances, income and expenditure. These services can help you to:
  • identify vulnerable customers
  • make informed decisions about a citizen's ability to repay debt facilitating more sustainable repayment plans, resulting in greater collections
Incorporates a mix of multi - credit reference agency (CRA) data, open-banking, and automation software


9 suppliers

Lot 4: Fraud, Error and Debt (FED) Advisory
Provides fraud, error, and debt advisory and consultancy services from subject matter experts.  Our experts can support the review and improvement of existing fraud, error and debt processes and services. They can also help to design new processes and services to help maximise debt collection and peripheral services


6 suppliers

Lot 5: Enforcement Services
Access a panel of enforcement agencies and bailiff services. The agencies have the capacity and capability to work both internationally and nationally. They have expertise in consumer and commercial debt and have strong controls in place to make sure everyone follows all legal processes.


13 suppliers

Lot 6: Litigation Services (England and Wales)
Access a panel of legal firms who will use their expert knowledge and  relevant data  to recommend and provide you with the most effective litigation strategy.  Once you have agreed on a strategy  the solicitors will seek to take litigation action.


5 suppliers

Lot 7: Litigation Services (Scotland)
A panel of legal firms will use their expert knowledge and relevant data to recommend and provide you with the most effective litigation strategy. Once you have agreed on a strategy the solicitors will seek to take litigation action. 


2 suppliers

Lot 8: Auctioneers Services (London)
​​Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot also provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


1 suppliers

Lot 9: Auctioneers Services (South of England)
Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot also provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


2 suppliers

Lot 10: Auctioneers Services (Midlands)
Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


2 suppliers

Lot 11: Auctioneers Services (North)
​​Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot also provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


2 suppliers

Lot 12: Auctioneers Services (Wales)
​​Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot also provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


2 suppliers

Lot 13: Auctioneers Services (Northern Ireland)
​​Access regional auctioneers who can support you with recovering legitimate funds by helping to sell goods. The auctioneers are able to provide all relevant services such as collecting and transporting the goods. Auctioneer services are usually used towards the end stages of enforcement. However, this lot also provides you with the opportunity to sell any extra or unneeded assets to create additional revenue.


1 suppliers

Lot 14: Process Servers
Access a panel of suppliers for the physical delivery of legal documents, which could include but is not limited to: 
  • Statutory Demands
  • Bankruptcy Petitions
  • Winding Up Petitions (Partnerships)
  • Winding Up Petitions (Companies)


2 suppliers

Lot 15: Spend Analytics and Recovery Services (Accounts Payable Review)
Provides access to spend analysis and recovery services (SARS). We have set up the SARS solution on a contingency fee basis. This means that you only pay a percentage of the amount of money that is recovered for you. This no recovery, no fee type structure makes it zero risk for the public sector. Use this lot to:
  • access suppliers who can review and compare ledgers and trading accounts to recover any unallocated amounts or credit notes
  • access historic invoices and identify and recover any payment errors
  • recover incorrect VAT invoices
Suppliers will also provide recommendations on systems and processes for future savings and to ensure compliance.


6 suppliers

Lot 16: Spend Analytics and Recovery Services (Contract Compliance General Review)
Provides access to spend analysis and recovery services (SARS). You can use this lot to access contract compliance services. This is where suppliers will review customer contracts for goods and services and recover any overpayments or under-recovered balances. Suppliers will also provide recommendations on systems and processes for future savings and to ensure compliance.


2 suppliers

Lot 17: Spend Analytics and Recovery Services (Utilities Spend Recovery Review)
Provides access to spend analysis and recovery services (SARS). Access specialist contract compliance reviews. This is where suppliers will identify, report and recover utility spend that has been:
  • overpaid
  • overcharged
  • made in error
This includes, but is not limited to:
  • tariff analysis
  • climate change levy
  • distribution charges
Suppliers will also provide recommendations on systems and processes for future savings and to ensure compliance.


4 suppliers

Lot 18: Spend Analytics and Recovery Services (Telecommunications Spend Recovery Review)
Provides access to spend analysis and recovery services (SARS). Access specialist contract compliance reviews. This is where suppliers will identify, report and recover spend on telecommunications that has been:
  • overpaid
  • overcharged
  • made in error
This includes, but is not limited to:
  • analysis of call plans
  • leased line services
  • maintenance charges
Suppliers will also provide recommendations on systems and processes for future savings and to ensure compliance.


4 suppliers

Lot 19: Spend Analytics and Recovery Services (Specialist VAT Review)
Provides access to spend analysis and recovery services (SARS). Access specialist contract compliance reviews. This is where our subject matter experts will use their expertise and detailed understanding of VAT legislation to identify, report and recover VAT payments that have been:
  • overpaid
  • overcharged
  • made in error
This includes:
  • input and output VAT
  • VAT rates
  • VAT exemption calculations
Suppliers will also provide recommendations on systems and processes for future savings and to ensure compliance.


5 suppliers

Lot 20: Managed Enforcement Agency Services
Access multiple managed service providers (MSPs) who can provide management of panels of enforcement agencies on your behalf. Each MSP will proactively manage a panel of enforcement agents to help you achieve the best commercial and individual outcomes. They distribute workloads to the best performing agencies based on quality and collection rates aligned to your requirements and strategies in an ethical manner.


3 suppliers

How to buy

You can buy from this agreement through further competition with the option to direct award from the following lots:

  • litigation services (lots 6 to 7)
  • spend analytics and recovery services (lots 15 to 19)
  • managed enforcement agency services (lot 20)

In limited cases you may be able to place a direct award for lot 1. For more information about this, contact the team.

Direct award

Before you direct award, make sure that your needs match the agreement specifications. Check your organisation’s policy to make sure that direct award is a compliant route.

To place a direct award you will need to:

  1. clearly define your requirements and specify your intentions, lead times and Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT)
    1. MEAT helps you to decide which solution provides best overall value by considering factors outside of price (such as quality and functionality)
  2. send your defined requirements directly to your chosen supplier using your own procurement portal or our eSourcing tool
  3. establish your award criteria using Framework Schedule 7 Call-Off Award Procedure
  4. award your contract by signing Framework Schedule 6
  5. publish your contract on Contracts Finder

Direct awards are priced based on maximum agreement rates. You should consider whether you can get better value for money through a further competition before placing a direct award.

Further Competition

To run a further competition you should:

  1. express your interest: this is an optional stage where you can take part in pre-market engagement to establish supplier interest
    1. you can do this using your own procurement portal or our eSourcing tool
  2. identify the suppliers that meet your needs and develop your specification
    1. your specification should include specific details of what you need and lead times
  3. complete your further competition documents, such as:
    1. invitation to tender
    2. evaluation criteria
    3. draft order form
  4. invite all identified suppliers to submit a tender (you can do this by email or through your preferred eSourcing tool)
  5. set a time limit for the submission of tenders (take into account lead times and the complexity of your needs)
  6. evaluate supplier responses using the guidelines set out in Framework Schedule 7 Annex B
  7. award the contract to the successful supplier by completing:
    1. framework schedule 6 order form
    2. framework schedule 7 call-off award procedure
  8. provide feedback to unsuccessful suppliers and explain the reasons for their score
    1. you should provide the suppliers with details to enable them to improve their future bids
  9. for transparency purposes, publish your contract on contracts finder
