Insourced Services to Support the Provision of Healthcare (including Clinical Insourcing)

NHS and other public sector organisations can buy insourced services to carry out a healthcare service from start to finish. Includes solutions for (but not limited to) diagnostics, cardiology (heart health), ophthalmology (eye health) and physiotherapy.


You can access a range of service solutions to help you provide an end-to-end healthcare service. The service will be provided on your own premises and may use your own equipment.

Listed below are some of the healthcare specialities that this agreement can help provide solutions for:

  • cardiology diagnostics: methods of identifying heart conditions
  • diagnostic imaging: allows doctors to take images of inside the body and can help to diagnose medical conditions
  • endoscopy: a medical procedure which allows doctors to see inside the body using an instrument called an endoscope
  • ear, nose and throat: deals with the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat
  • general surgery
  • gynaecology
  • ophthalmology: deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the eye
  • orthopaedics: treats injuries and diseases of your body’s musculoskeletal system and includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves
  • physiotherapy: helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability
  • urology

This agreement is produced by the Workforce Alliance which consists of two public sector organisations:

  • NHS Procurement in Partnership
  • Crown Commercial Service (CCS)

Together we provide extensive expertise and experience to support customers using this agreement.

We will help NHS trusts to improve efficiency, save money and find effective service and staffing solutions. Workforce Alliance will explore the whole Health Workforce services portfolio to support future recruitment strategies in the NHS and the public sector.

Providers and commissioners of services are able to use this agreement, including:

  • NHS foundation trusts
  • NHS trusts
  • special health authorities (such as the National Treatment Agency)
  • acute sector (for example, hospitals)
  • mental health related settings
  • community health ambulance services
  • care trusts (such as Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust)
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • Integrated Care Systems
  • Community Interest Companies
  • GPs

Where appropriate suppliers will offer managed solutions, which is where the full or partial patient pathway is managed by the supplier (for example, outpatients, diagnostics, survey, ward and non-clinical administration). The pathway is the route a patient will take from referral to completion of treatment.

We have awarded this agreement for an initial period of 2 years and will have the option of 2 further extensions each lasting for 1 year.

We established the agreement under the light touch regime. We will reopen the agreement regularly throughout its life cycle to enable additional and new suppliers to join.


  • a cost-effective solution with services priced either at or discounted from the NHS national tariff payment system
    • the NHS national tariff is a set of prices and rules which help commissioners and providers of NHS care to provide best value to their patients
  • commissioners can award contracts under the standard NHS contract
  • support available from CCS and the NHS Workforce Alliance
  • increased visibility of the patient pathway
  • help contracting authorities to achieve better key performance indicators such as time to treatment and patient experience
  • ensures consistent service standards and compliance with NHS needs
  • ability to contract with providers on bespoke terms and conditions which contain, when appropriate, clauses from the standard NHS contract
    • bespoke means you can make changes to the terms and conditions so that they better meet your individual needs

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 85 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Insourced Services to Support the Provision of Healthcare (including Clinical


85 suppliers

How to buy

The framework can be accessed by both further competition, and direct award.

Further Competition

You can use your own eSourcing system or you can use our eSourcing tool to run your further competition. If this is your first time using our eSourcing suite, you will need to register an account.

If you have already registered, sign in to your eSourcing account.

To run a further competition you will need to:

  1. take part in pre-market engagement with suppliers to help you define your needs (optional)
  2. identify the suppliers that can meet your needs and develop your statement of requirements
  3. complete your further competition documents to reflect the services you need, such as the order form and call off terms and conditions
    1. you should include these in your invitation to tender pack along with the award criteria and further competition process
  4. invite all identified suppliers to submit a tender in writing (this could be by email or through your preferred e-Sourcing tool)
  5. set a time limit for the submission of tenders, (take into account the time needed to create and submit tenders and the complexity of your needs)
  6. keep each tender confidential until the time limit set out for the return of tenders has ended
  7. evaluate supplier responses (make sure you evaluate all suppliers equally and fairly)
  8. award your call-off contract by sending the following to the successful supplier:
    1. completed and signed framework schedule 6
    2. completed and signed order form
  9. provide unsuccessful suppliers with written feedback on why their tenders were unsuccessful using the unsuccessful supplier letter
  10. publish your contract on contracts finder for transparency purposes

Direct award

You can place a direct award to a supplier providing the contracting authority can show that the selected supplier offers the best value for money using the agreement tender information.

To direct award under this agreement you should:

  1. clearly define your needs by developing a statement of requirements
  2. determine whether the supplier can meet your needs
  3. determine that all the terms of the agreement and the call-off terms do not need any changes or any additional terms and conditions
  4. award your contract by signing framework schedule 7
  5. publish your contract on Contracts Finder