Lot Overview:
Lot 1: Liquid Fuels (14 regional lots 1A – 1N and the National Lot, 1O)
Lot 2: LPG
Lot 3: Biomass Fuels
Lot 4: Associated Services
Lot 5: Bureau Services
How to buy:
The only way to buy from this agreement is to run a further competition.
Lots 1, 2 and 3
You can run your own further competition, or you can choose to join the CCS managed quarterly further competition.
Throughout your call-off contract, the site addition process allows you to add extra sites directly with your supplier at your own convenience.
Before running a further competition, you will need to email our team. In your email you should clearly outline what your intentions are.
To run a further competition, you will need to:
- put together your statement of needs
- select the goods and services you need on the template call-off terms
- make sure the goods and services you select do not conflict with what this agreement provides (you cannot add or make changes to the products and services under this agreement)
- select all suppliers from the relevant lot and invite them to tender
- make sure the tenders applying meet the appropriate criteria set out in your Invitation to Tender (such as, fuel type, region and volumes)
- award a call-off agreement by sending a completed order form and call-off agreement to the successful supplier (you can find these forms in the document section below)
- receive signed copy of the call-off agreement from the supplier
- sign the call-off agreement and issue a notice to the supplier
- email our team and let us know the outcome
Access for lot 4 (further competition only)
Before running a further competition, you will need to email our team. In your email you should clearly outline what your intentions are.
To run a further competition, you will need to:
- put together your statement of needs
- detail the goods and services you need using call-off schedule 20 (specification)
- make sure the goods and services you select do not conflict with what this agreement provides
- select all suppliers from the relevant lot and invite them to tender
- make sure the tenders applying meet the appropriate criteria set out in your Invitation to Tender (such as, service type, specification and delivery region)
- award a call-off agreement by sending a completed order form and call-off agreement to the successful supplier (you can find these forms in the document section below)
- receive signed copy of the call-off agreement from the supplier
- sign the call-off agreement and issue a notice to the supplier
- email our team and let us know the outcome
We may be able to run a further competition on your behalf. Contact the team for further information.
Access for lot 5 (Direct Award only)
Customers can run a direct award through this single supplier lot, to do this, they must:
- develop a clear statement of requirements
- detail the services you need as set out in Framework Schedule 1 (Specification) and Framework Schedule 2 (Framework Tender)
- award a call-off agreement by sending a completed order form and call-off agreement to the successful supplier (you can find these forms in the document section below)
- for further guidance refer to the buyers guide.
Customers will need to review or populate:
- call-off schedules (determine which schedules are relevant to the contract and amend)
- joint schedules (review)
- framework schedule 6: order form template
This service is for gas and electricity only, for more information on lot 5 please contact info@crowncommercial.gov.uk and quote “RM6305 lot 5” in the email.
- please complete the customer access agreement to obtain pricing information
- this form is not a commitment to the lot or any services listed
- it is for your reference to be able to make an informed decision