Payment Acceptance 2

Enables the public sector to accept card and alternative payment methods either face to face or through online and digital routes. Provides access to specialist payment consultancy services.


Payment acceptance helps your organisation securely receive payments via cards, digital wallets or online platforms. A regulated merchant acquirer processes transactions through networks like Visa or Mastercard, checks fund availability, transfers payments to you, and ensures compliance with security standards.

This framework gives you access to a range of payment acceptance services including:

  • merchant acquiring: a regulated entity that processes payments by connecting your organisation to payment networks (such as Visa and Mastercard), so that you can accept payments by debit or credit card as well as alternative payment methods
  • payment gateway services: enables you to accept payments, typically via a website, from debit or credit cards and alternative payment methods such as digital wallets
  • payment equipment: includes the provision of point of sale (POS) terminals for face-to-face and unattended payment transactions
  • alternative payment methods (APMs): enable your organisation to receive payments via digital wallets such as Google Pay or Apple Pay
  • payment initiation service provider (PISP) services: an optional service enabling account-to-account transactions (typically referred to as Open Banking)

Specialist payment consultancy services are also included to help customers assess their end-to-end payment landscape and define strategic requirements for payment acceptance and issuance.

The Agreement has a 4 year contract period.


  • customers can buy services to meet their specific payment acceptance needs
  • transparent fee structure (interchange ++)
  • savings against typical market rates
  • a range of suppliers from large nationals to SMEs

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 7 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Payment Acceptance Services
Allows you to accept payments through face-to-face or point of sale (POS) terminals like car parking machines. You can also accept payments over the phone or online. Buyers must purchase a minimum of two services (one must be merchant acquiring):
  1. Merchant acquiring.
  2. Payment gateway, APM and PISP services.
  3. Payment equipment.


4 suppliers

Lot 2: Acquiring and Merchant Equipment Services
For customers with an existing payment gateway. Buyers can only purchase one service:
  1. Merchant acquiring.
  2. Payment equipment.


4 suppliers

Lot 3: Payment Consultancy
For strategic advice to define payment acceptance and payment issuance requirements.


3 suppliers

How to buy

Read the buyer guide in the document section and review the call-off terms and conditions for the framework.

Before choosing a supplier, you can have fair and transparent discussions with the framework suppliers.

Direct award (all lots)

Ensure direct award aligns with your organisation’s policies and only use if:

  • this agreement meets your needs
  • no changes to contract terms are required

Steps for direct award:

  1. Request a direct award pack from our customer service team (includes pricing matrix and supplier responses).
  2. Evaluate responses and pricing.
  3. Award the contract.

Further competition (all lots)

Manage the process in line with your internal requirements. If you choose to use our eSourcing suite, see the buyer guide for details.

Your competition must:

  • set a clear submission deadline
  • seek proposals meeting all your requirements (including special terms)
  • include a completed order form

After submission:

  1. Evaluate proposals.
  2. Notify all suppliers of the outcome.
  3. Award to the most economically advantageous tender.
