Income Generation from Estates & Assets

Access solutions to generate income from your estates and assets. Includes commercial out of home advertising, experiential advertising and car parking management services.


All public sector bodies can access this agreement. This includes central government, agencies, arms-length bodies, publicly owned transport organisations and airports, local authorities, non-departmental public bodies, universities, devolved administrations and charities.

Split across 5 lots and 10 suppliers, you can use this agreement to access the following services:

  • income generation from advertising displays and space for experiential activities on your estate
  • end to end car parking management 

This agreement is complemented by a dynamic purchasing solution (DPS) for broader income generation solutions, for example vending machines, delivery lockers and cash machines where suppliers can join at any time. View RM6350 Income Generation from Estates, Assets & IP DPS.

These 2 agreements work together to provide a full range of income generation solutions.


  • income from your estates and assets
  • reduced procurement lead times: frees up capacity and capability to focus on other value-add commercial activity
  • improved efficiency: simplified route to market, collaborative, cross government solutions which remove duplication of cost and effort in running a full procurement process
  • easy access: run mini competitions with market leading suppliers

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 10 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Internal Commercial Advertising


2 suppliers

Lot 2: External Commercial Advertising


4 suppliers

Lot 3: Commercial Experiential Advertising


2 suppliers

Lot 4: Commercial Advertising: Combined Lots 1, 2 and 3


2 suppliers

Lot 5: End to End Car Parking Management


4 suppliers

How to buy

Before using this agreement you must have internal agreement from your organisation. You should read the Buyer guide before starting your procurement. 

To appoint a supplier you will need to run a further competition. There is no direct award option for this agreement. 

You can use your own eSourcing system or our eSourcing tool to run your further competition. If this is your first time using our eSourcing suite, you will need to register an account.

Read guidance on using CCS’s eSourcing tool.

We suggest you engage with potential suppliers and get their feedback (pre-market engagement) before running a further competition. It’s a good opportunity for you to define your needs and it allows suppliers to consider the opportunity before the competition begins.

To run a further competition you will need to:

  1. Run pre-market engagement with suppliers (recommended but optional).
  2. Identify the lot that meets your needs and develop your specification.
    • make sure your specification is detailed and includes timescales and scope
  3. Complete your further competition documents.
  4. Invite all suppliers from the relevant lot to submit a tender in writing.
  5. Set a time limit for suppliers to submit tenders.
    • make sure you take into account the time needed to create and submit tenders and the complexity of your needs
  6. Include a presentation stage if required (optional). 
  7. Keep each tender confidential until the time limit set out for the return of tenders has ended.
  8. Make sure you evaluate all supplier responses equally and fairly.
  9. Award your call-off contract.Provide unsuccessful suppliers with written feedback on why their tenders were unsuccessful
  10. Where appropriate, publish the award on find a tender service.


All pricing is determined through further competition. There is no pricing held at the framework agreement level. 

Pricing models include:

  • fixed payment
  • net profit payment 
  • minimum guaranteed payment and the top-up net profit payment
  • management fee (Lot 5 only)
