Start buying

Why buy through Crown Commercial Service?

We help thousands of public and non-profit organisations buy goods and services from suppliers in the private sector. 

All public and non-profit organisations including government departments and local governments can use our services. 

We design our commercial agreements to help you buy what you need when you need it. Our commercial agreements have:

  • standardised contract terms
  • guidance for buyers
  • a list of pre-evaluated suppliers

Make savings on smaller, everyday purchases such as office supplies through our catalogues. Or, you may achieve greater savings through the power of collective buying by signing up to take part in one of our aggregations.

Find out more about our commercial agreements, catalogues and aggregation opportunities

  • Buy through a commercial agreement

    Use frameworks or dynamic purchasing systems (DPS) to buy a range of common products and services, from simple to complex requirements and from low to high volumes of products.

    Buy higher-value products or services

  • Buy through aggregation

    Aggregation is also known as collective buying. It brings together customers with similar needs and ensures savings through increased buying power.

    Learn more about aggregation

  • Buy through a catalogue

    Catalogues are for simple everyday purchases, such as IT equipment, which you can buy online for quick delivery. 

    Make small or one-off purchases

  • Buy through Contract Award Service (CAS)

    This is a new buying option that will provide you with an online end to end procurement process for some of our commercial agreements.

    Learn more about CAS

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Find explanations for common terms and abbreviations used in public procurement.

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