
What is eMarketplace?

eMarketplace is an online platform that provides catalogue-style buying for low value goods and services.

Who can use

All government departments and public sector buyers can use eMarketplace.

What you can buy

You can buy a range of non-complex common goods and services from the eMarketplace catalogues including:

  • back office software
  • data and application solutions
  • network services
  • technology services
  • cloud compute services

Not suitable for

  • complex requirements, eMarketplace is best used for simple needs which require fast delivery
  • buying products and services available through the CCS Purchasing Platform.

How to buy

Before you can use eMarketplace you need to register for access. Once registered you can browse and buy in line with the appropriate commercial agreement.

There are 2 levels of access for you to choose from:

  1. Standalone web access
  2. Fully integrated access

If you have already registered, sign in to eMarketplace.

Standalone web access

This option allows you to access the eMarketplace using a web link. When placing an order, purchase orders and invoices can be processed through the eMarketplace.

If you wish to process purchase orders through your own system, you will need to manually record the order details from the eMarketplace and input the order onto your system following your usual business process.

To sign up for this option, complete our register for eMarketplace form.

You will also need to sign a user agreement. We will send you a copy once we receive your set-up form.

Fully integrated access

This option allows you to fully integrate the eMarketplace with your organisation’s own Enterprise Performance Management (such as Oracle or SAP) or other purchase to pay system.

The cost and time of integration will depend on the amount of work needed and can vary by organisation.

To sign up for fully integrated access or find out more, email info@basware.com.

Time to supply

Time to supply depends on what you buy and the procurement route you take. For example, simple requirements purchased directly from a catalogue could qualify for next day delivery.

Goods purchased through other purchase to pay systems or requiring additional work before sending to the supplier may take longer to fulfil.

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Information for buyers and suppliers

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