How to buy through Dynamic Purchasing Systems

What is a Dynamic Purchasing System?

A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a type of commercial agreement available through Crown Commercial Service (CCS). A DPS offers a range of services and products and works in a similar way to a CCS framework.

The difference is that suppliers can join at any time during the agreement’s life.

Who can use

All public sector and non-profit organisations can buy through a DPS.

What you can buy

You can buy a range of goods and services that can be clearly specified and fulfilled by small or large suppliers.

With a DPS you have the ability to filter suppliers by set criteria for example, capability, credentials or location. 

Take a look at the DPSs we currently offer.

Not suitable for

  • direct award or catalogue requirements
  • immediate delivery

DPSs don’t work if you are looking to direct award or order a specific product or service from a catalogue.

How to buy

1. Create a DPS Marketplace account

You can access all DPS agreements through the DPS Marketplace. You can use this platform to shortlist suppliers to invite to tender and to request evidence from the winning supplier.

If this is your first time using the tool you will need to register as a buyer. You must be authorised as a public or third sector buyer or supplier to register for and use DPS Marketplace.

Watch this video for a step-by-step guide on the process of applying to the DPS platform.

2. Select the Dynamic Purchasing System you would like to use

Once you have signed in to the DPS Marketplace you can scroll down the home page to see a list of various DPSs currently on offer. When you find the DPS you want to use, click ‘access as a buyer’ and follow the instructions.

3. Create your supplier shortlist

You can now start shortlisting suppliers for your procurement by selecting the filters that best meet your needs. The more filters you choose the fewer suppliers will appear. Suitable suppliers will then appear in alphabetical order and you can now download these as a spreadsheet.

Once complete, you are ready to invite suppliers to your further competition.

4. Run your further competition

Further competition is the only way to buy from a DPS. Read our further competitions webpage for more information.

Time to supply

Supply time depends on the service/product you are buying. A simple procurement can be started within 10 days.

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