Transforming Public Procurement

What is Transforming Public Procurement?

The Cabinet Office is leading the Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) programme.

In March 2024 the Procurement Regulations 2024 were laid in Parliament to bring some elements of the Bill and the wider regime into effect. This statutory instrument (SI), a form of secondary legislation, is available to view.

To find more detailed information on how to prepare for the implementation of the regime, visit the Cabinet Office Transforming Public Procurement webpage.

This page aims to clarify what TPP means for our customers and what information and training is available. Find out how we are preparing for the upcoming regulation change. 

Transforming Public Procurement: your questions answered

Where can I access training materials?

The Cabinet Office is responsible for the learning and development programme to support those operating within the new regime, available for free.

Find out more about the learning and development on the Cabinet Office TPP hub.

When does Transforming Public Procurement come into force?

The Procurement Act is the name given to the legislation that will reform the existing rules. It received Royal Assent in October 2023. 

Secondary legislation was laid in March 2024. There the new regime went live on Monday 24 February 2025.

For Crown Commercial Service customers, this means that agreements which release their Invitation To Tender (ITT) on or after Monday 24 February 2025 will be let under the new regime.

Agreements that released their ITT before this date will be governed by the existing Public Contract Regulations (PCR2015) and will continue unchanged for their lifecycle.

How can I keep up to date with what is on Crown Commercial Service commercial pipeline?

Awarding commercial agreements under the new regime will be new for everyone – including us at Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

This means our pipeline of commercial agreements going out under the new regime is likely to change because CCS is implementing the new regime at the same time as undertaking our normal activities. We will be continually reviewing and amending the priority list. To ensure you are using the latest information in any decision making, we recommend you check back regularly. 

View our latest commercial pipeline.

What is Crown Commercial Service’s role in Transforming Public Procurement?

The implementation of TPP is led by the Cabinet Office. Crown Commercial Service does not own the Act or the associated training packages.

However, Transforming Public Procurement effects CCS in 2 important ways:

  1. As a public procurement organisation, we must make sure that when the new regulations go live, our agreements are let under these regulations
  2. As a contracting authority ourselves, we must prepare our organisation and ensure we can run robust procurement under the new regime

How can I keep up to date with what Crown Commercial Service is doing to prepare for the new regime?

As we approach the go-live date and learn more about the impact TPP will have on our work, we will communicate with customers through our usual channels. To ensure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to our newsletter.

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Find out more

  • Procurement Act 2023

    Questions about the Procurement Act 2023, changes to policies, guidance and PPNs, the Central Digital Platform, the Learning and Development, the Debarment list and work of the Procurement Review Unit should be put to Cabinet Office

  • Our implementation approach

    For questions about our commercial pipeline or how we are implementing TPP, contact