Help end modern slavery with your buying decisions

Ending modern slavery in supply chains is a top priority for the UK government. We use extensive modern slavery assessment methods so you can be confident using our commercial agreements.

We are an active partner in the prevention of modern slavery work led by the Home Office. Read the latest UK government modern slavery statement.

Learn how your buying decisions have the power to help put an end to modern slavery.

“We are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that public spending on goods and services is not funding modern slavery and human rights abuses.”
Colin Morrow
Director of Sourcing Operations and Anti-slavery Advocate

How we prevent modern slavery in supply chains

  • Extensive risk assessment

    • we’ve conducted an extensive modern slavery risk assessment of all our commercial agreements
    • identified 26 agreements that depend on supply chains favoured by modern slavery criminals
    • the biggest assessment of its kind in the UK public sector
  • Supplier contracts

    • all our contracts include a corporate social responsibility schedule
    • suppliers are required to meet the standards set out in the supplier code of conduct
    • all suppliers must implement policies and procedures to identify and prevent modern slavery occurring in their supply chains
  • Tender selection process

    • all potential CCS suppliers must confirm if their organisation (or anybody working in it with decision making powers or control) has been convicted of child labour or human trafficking offences
    • suppliers with a turnover of over £36 million must publish an annual modern slavery statement on their website in accordance with section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Modern slavery assessment tool (MSAT)

    • all suppliers in high or medium risk categories are asked to use the modern slavery assessment tool (MSAT)
    • we carefully review assessment results and hold follow-up discussions with suppliers who have a high or medium risk score
    • we work with suppliers to put effective risk mitigation plans in place

Webinar: Tackling modern slavery in our supply chains

In this webinar, our Head of Policy Delivery, Charlene Maginnis, explains how we’re taking effective and practical steps to tackle modern slavery in public procurement.

Your modern slavery questions answered

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery involves the abuse of an individual’s human rights in the pursuit of commercial gain. It is a widespread and global issue impacting millions of people. 

Examples of modern slavery:

  • human trafficking: the act of recruiting, transporting, or transferring a person
  • forced labour: any work or services forced upon a person against their will usually under threat or punishment
  • debt bondage: where workers trapped in poverty borrow money and are forced to work to pay off the debt
  • sale and exploitation of children: situations where children are sold or transferred from one person to another

What is modern slavery in supply chains?

Modern slavery is estimated to affect global supply chains in every industry. It is illegal in every country, however modern slavery legislation alone will not tackle the issue. 

​​Within the UK public sector there are tens of thousands of suppliers, many of whom have complex global supply chains. This makes inspection difficult, especially in the lower tiers of subcontracting. 

All our suppliers must comply with the human rights and employment laws set out in the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and those on higher risk agreements complete an annual assessment of the risks in their supply chains.

Related news and blogs

Browse all modern slavery news articles

Helpful information before you start buying

Your buying decisions have the power to boost local economy, make our society fairer, strengthen communities and make the future greener.

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